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May 15, 2012

Book of Death

Here is the first crafting recipe ever sent to Minecraft Recipe Ideas. May it be known forever in the blog history! This recipe was submitted by player Timewarpzone. Congratulations for being the first person ever to have your recipe on the blog!

Book of Death

The Book of Death may be used on skeletons and zombies and it will turn them into an NPC villager for about 20 minutes. After that time limit runs out, the disguised zombie or skeleton will evaporate and die. The book may only be used once, and if used on another mob that's not a skeleton or zombie, the Book of Death evaporates itself! The book is also not stackable.

May 14, 2012

Minecraft Forums thread now open!

Somebody tried to send me a recipe, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it to work with the URL they emailed me. :( Remember to use an image-hosting site and give me the direct link URL, because I know that's how you can display an image on any site you post on with Servimg. I also now have a thread up on the Minecraft Forums, so I suppose if you're confused or you have a question about the blog for me, you can ask me there. Here's the link for that:

May 13, 2012


So, this is the first recipe, and I'm glad to have started this blog! :) Even though while I'm posting this idea, it's a Sunday, and not a Saturday, I'm only posting my first recipe to start off the blog. So I hope you enjoy seeing recipes almost every day, and submit your own to me with the Minecraft Recipe Designer!

This is not so much of a mob, but more of a large block. It can be placed on Farmland blocks, and scares off animals from your farms so that they won't trample your crops. Hostile mobs however do not get scared by scarecrows.